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comment by mk
mk  ·  3405 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Suggestion/Request - A Kink In The Hubski Hose

Right now, I toss them into globally filtered as I see them, but I am not always vigilant. Once in globally filtered, they are removed from the hose.

There is, however, an option to see globally filtered posts in settings.

Perhaps I should start following #spam. We aren't going to be able to get away with this approach forever.

Complexity  ·  3405 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Interesting. My 'show globally filtered' was 'Off'. I set it to 'On'. I don't notice any difference in anything. I'm not sure if Off removes globally filtered things from my feed or allows them. I'm not sure how things become globally filtered. (Just via you?)

I guess it's two issues, really. One being a way to deal with clearly worthless spam (easily community flagged and automated after flagging passes a threshold) and the other being an idle extension of that idea to outsource the curation of an individual's more on topic feed to a selected set of trusted peers. The latter is a pipe dream but a fun one. I'd miss nothing three or more of the people I follow had flagged as worthless-despite-not-being-spam.