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comment by mknod
mknod  ·  3575 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, how do you feel about drugs?

For recreation: I drink occasionally as many hubskiers do, whisky, beer mostly. I've smoked weed a couple times, and honestly would like to do it on a regular basis. Really compared to a lot of my friends I'm like Ward Cleaver. None of these things affect me significantly other than giving me small shifts in perspectives I would otherwise probably not have.

For medicine: I take migraine medication unfortunately it's hit and miss and hard to get right if I have a sudden attack. I also take adderall for my ADHD which has improved my life by a significant margin, using therapy, coping mechanisms and medication my life is much more stable than it was even 3 years ago.

I'd like to try: LSD seems like it'd be wild. I always loved the idea of being faced with my own ego and all of my walls being torn away. I think it'd be terrifying. Cocaine doesn't seem like much fun, if I were to do it I'd want to dress up like Patrick Bateman and pretend to be a stock guy. A lot of the "Downers" (aside from alcohol) don't really appeal to me.

Drugs seem like they can be a wonderful experience if taken responsibly and if society is able to deal with the abuse correctly. It's also great not to take them though. People shouldn't feel pressured in anyway to try them.