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comment by no-cheating

I practice juggling for like half of a year. Now that I started playing a guitar it doesn't get that much of my spare time as it did before, but I do it every day in work to take a break and loosen up. It's a really good warm up for both the mind and body.

Now I'm mostly focusing on learning those 3 tricks: http://www.libraryofjuggling.com/Tricks/4balltricks/Fountain.html -- http://www.libraryofjuggling.com/Tricks/3balltricks/Half-Box%28441%29.html -- http://www.libraryofjuggling.com/Tricks/3balltricks/Shower.html

user-inactivated  ·  3577 days ago  ·  link  ·  

How is it coming so far?

no-cheating  ·  3577 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I can do Fountain, but often as I do the trick my left hand is moving towards my body up to the point that throwing a ball would mean throwing it in my chin : ). It's because my left hand still isn't as accurate - I'm right handed. Sometimes the whole trick goes pretty well though and I can juggle it for like 30 seconds.

I can do Shower in left to right overthrow direction, but a little clumsily. It still needs practise. The realy problem here is the right to left direction, which for some reasons causes my my right hand to be slightly higher than the left hand and so each vertical throw not to be vertical but diagonal. That ruins the fluency of the trick and really irritates me. Honestly I don't know how to get rid of that. I only hope mastering other tricks with vertical throw (e.g. Half-Box) will help.

I can also do Half-box, but it looks pretty clumsily and out of rythm. Still I feel improving that it's only a matter of practise.