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comment by Hell

You're jobless because you're bitter and blame your faults on others instead of dealing with the real problem.

user-inactivated  ·  3535 days ago  ·  link  ·  


I'm jobless because I got a psychology degree I couldn't use, followed by an equally worthless degree in pre-law.

I'm jobless because I listened to my heart instead of my head many years ago, when I should have taken a more pragmatic view of life, but lacked the maturity.

I'm jobless because right now I'm pursuing an internship in a new course of study and don't have the time to wash dishes again, or stock shelves in a warehouse.

I also don't have time to blame others or talk to strangers about my 'problems'.

I know who I am. Who are you to presume to know me?

Ahhhh....of course.