Bread and circuses. I'm right there with you. I have a job, I can't just walk off to DC and camp out for a month, for a year. Even if I could, you can't, no one else can. People like to talk a big game, "Why don't we rebel!?" But at the end of the day, it always comes down to Bread and Circuses. You can keep 300,000,000 people on starvation wages, as long as they have job to go to and reality TV to come home to. That's the fundamental theory of Feudalism. America just forgot that for a little while. America also learned that Capitalism is better, even for the wealthy, than Feudalism. They're forgetting that. I have suspicions that, for the wealthy (who make the rules), Liberalism is a Pareto Optimum (or nearly), and Feudalism is a Nash Equilibrium. That is, Feudalism isn't the best solution, but it's the best solution for a single wealthy individual when they don't trust anyone else.We are simply too comfortable to rebel
I can't afford to rebel.