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user-inactivated · 3787 days ago · link · · parent · post: Introducing NoPhone: The Technology-Free Alternative to Owning a Phone
This is funny and stuff ... but I would love to be able to get a bank account, get a state DL, or a credit card without having having having to have a phone number. It is absolutely required to do anything in this country you must pay verizon/att/whomever monopoly wherever and keep a phone that I hardly ever use. I use less than 10 minutes a month on my phone, and it has been that way for years. Give me a way out of owning a phone but allow me access to the rest of civilization and I will begin to believe in technology again.
GenghisKhan · 3786 days ago · link ·
You could try a google voice account. All you would need is a land line or something from radioshack to give you an IP phone. Those cost about $10 a year.