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comment by NikolaiFyodorov
NikolaiFyodorov  ·  3648 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Just finished a 3-day fast

That's extremely good news to hear! I hope you celebrated in suitable fashion with large glasses of tempranillo and a stroll around a nice park.

It's remarkable how much your commentary at the start of this thread mirrors my own, especially the part about being confronted with lots of spare time. I've also found myself dwelling far more in the present these past couple of days, but perhaps that's just a natural consequence of spending more time paying attention to how I feel.

All up the hunger is certainly bearable and more than balanced by the novelty value; I think once every six months like you plan would work well. I do find myself thinking a lot about food, however. I should also note that, while I recently resumed running after a long hiatus, I've held off from strenuous exercise for the duration of the fast, primarily because I wanted to be confident that I could still manage my workload.