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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3576 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, I want to know: How is your Summer going?

My summer is going well. The monsoons have started up in Tucson giving us a break from the 10 months of heat out of the year, not to mention all the greenery we're getting.

Physically: I'm getting up to my previous power lifting numbers before I injured my hip doing Smolov's routine. I could not be happier about that, its so damn satisfying everyday in the gym again. Also I've started biking to work since I recently moved closer so that's a nice bit of cardio during the week.

Psychologically: I've come out of a year long slump. During that year I was hopping between jobs that I wasn't satisfied in, my girlfriend and I split apart, hurt my hip, just generally poopy. However I'm finally with a company making a middle class salary that I'm also happy at (its great not dreading going to work each day), my girlfriend and I recently got back together, living in a beautiful home, my hip is healed (can you tell I really like the gym yet), and things are definitely looking up again.

Things are coming together again, so yeah, my summer is going quite well.