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comment by crafty
crafty  ·  3740 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Testing the Potential Objective Reality of the Subjective DMT Experience

I would just like to echo what you're saying Psulli; A group of friends and I used a wide variety of hallucinogens over the course of a year and a half. It started slowly, but at our height we would trip several times a month. I'm not sure I really developed a physical dependence on them, but the experiences were definitely habit forming. I think the point at which it really became routine we started doing it less often. It's been about five or six years since my last trip now. We got many of these "research chemicals" over the internet, but the black market always has many risks. One of our friends continued experimenting with a lot more than just psychedelics and not only did he nearly kill himself on an overdose, but his life ended up being more screwed by the legal system than the drugs in the end. It's important to remember that even the "safest" drugs have very dangerous aspects.