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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3582 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: "you are muted here"

    Oooooooooooor it could be the fact that Hubski is built upon having conversations. With people. We're all people here and sending a meme is a quick, no effort way of describing...anything. It's not conductive to discussion, and it's not conductive to the branding of Hubski as "a thoughtful web". So, yes, you're right and that's because the intent of the site is to be a place to avoid dumbed down discussion.

Thank you ButterlyEffect, for exactly illustrating the problem.

I also use emoticons when conversing via IM because it's a quick and easy way for me to communicate an idea or a feeling, yet I suspect you aren't going to start railing against the use of emoticons.

Which goes back to my original point about the anti-reddit sentiment on this site and how anything that's viewed as a part of the 'problem' with reddit is extremely frowned upon here.

    he entire time you've been on this site you've been saying that Reddit is better, or that you don't like x, y, and z about Hubski, or that you're leaving, etc. Seriously, if you like Reddit so much better and you're being attacked so often here, why don't you just actually leave?

I had briefly considered telling the OP that I was inevitably going to get someone to question why I hadn't left yet, but much like quantum physics, I felt that making the observation would probably prevent it from happening. So instead I decided to wait and see how long it took. The answer was roughly 8 minutes. But don't worry, you're not the first, and you won't be the last. This must be that superior discourse you're so interested in ;)

    On that hand though, we could take a look at your interactions with other people on this site and see that almost none of them have been positive.


Besides which, are we here for discussions or positivity? That's part of the problem ;)

havires  ·  3582 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You linked the post I openly thanked you for helping me out with some VPS issues. I mean we WERE having a discussion about it and thanking you like that seemed the best way to do it. Of course I'm just one person, and a new (month old?) user like you are. I wonder how much shit I'm going to get for basically agreeing you with mreiland.

EDIT: Furthermore you linked to a POSITIVE discussion. I know that's almost irrelevant but I had to check to see what I was replying to. Turns out it was from swedishbadgergirl.

user-inactivated  ·  3582 days ago  ·  link  ·  

yeah, there's been a lot of talk about how absolutely nothing positive comes out of any discussion I have because a lot of my opinions aren't liked, I was just pointing out that I've had some positive interactions with people.

In fact, I've not openly attacked anyone on this site, it's not my style, but I've had a hell of a lot of people attack me and my character, and still I do not respond in kind.

I'm just blunt about my opinion.