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comment by JTHipster

If we want a real quick and dirty solution, just ban all image macros as primary submissions. You can have them attached to a text submission that isn't blank or just an explanation of the joke, you can post them in comments, but no submitting them.

A much worse issue than just stupid image macros is the wave of "enlightened" people who love to come to sites that they see as serious discussion and then shitpost everywhere. /r/games, /r/TrueReddit spring to mind. I sincerely hope that it doesn't happen for as long as possible. Hubski has a rather diverse set of opinions, at least compared to most online forums, and bullshit has been freely called in the past, but I worry for the day when the #politics tag is full of half-assed conspiracy posts and lazy pseudo-intellectual shit meant to pander to people with more ego than sense.

Or worse for me, if we get an influx of people from /r/games, where any criticism of a game means that you have personally insulted every fan in it's history, where people have this wild concept that you can dismiss explained criticism or discussion by going "yes, but I/we/people like it!" That's not how that works. People like Transformers but those movies are shit smeared on a harddrive and then projected on a screen.