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comment by b-612
b-612  ·  3597 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How many of you are ex redditors?

I don't know when you migrated, but Reddit was relatively small back then, it was so small that nobody cared to censor it or target it. Then a very quality content based userbase started to grow up, and as I said before, reddit's frontpage today would be digg's frontpage tomorrow, and because it was so obscure (first time I was in reddit it felt like an old bbs, didn't know what to do half of the time, and the discussion was nothing compared to what it is now, it was more like a thread of r/askhistorians, you wouldn't want to mess it in there if you didn't have you facts straight. But as you said, for the time being, one compliments the other. If hubski gains traction, I expect several exodus as Reddit gets too big and the admins keep screwing with the userbase.