I live in Wisconsin and work at the smallest of the UW universities. Administrative leadership constructed a 'budget prioritization process,' what a colleague described as a 'faux democratic process intended to make us think we had a say in the cuts.' In my 14 years here, I've never seen morale lower or the community more disheartened. Here's why: All of the following will be outsourced/privatized: Custodial and grounds keeping, bookstore, campus safety, and IT services. These are very small departments and many of the folks being laid off have 15-20yrs of service. They are valuable, contributing members of our community who make small salaries. One custodian has 27 years of service and will be unable to retire with full benefits. In addition, 44% of graduate programs were cut, along with 14 majors and minors. Administrative positions have increased exponentially and as one laid off colleague stated 'we are now the model for privatizing public higher education in the state.' What's next, pay toliets? They can charge by volume. Need to wash your hands after--well, there's an extra charge for that...
As I understand privatization of public organizations, the short term gains are slightly significant (immediate discharge of debt) and the long term costs are devastating to the organization's climate, culture, and long-term financial health.
I believe in public education, spending the last 25 years of my career teaching students to make the world a kinder more thoughtful place.
I don't know what my next move is, besides getting Scott Walker out of office. I am inclined toward protest, letter writing, and speaking truth to power. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.