Professional writers are paid to write. They are not some kind of mystical hermits living a cave, every so often bestowing us with rare pearls. You (Anne Jamiseon) are not a special disciple. You are just a reader. No. We're paying the bills. Sometimes we loathe having to write about certain things, but we still do it, because we are professional writers. You mean the woman (Anne Jamieson?) who is criticising the unnamed columnist? No, it doesn't affect my opinion that she sound like a pretentious, self-entitled arse.1. Is this what writing is/writers do, write in order to find attention or spill inner thoughts that aren't otherwise shared?
1a. If 1) is true then it holds that the entirety of it is true, that writing is as much in order to find attention as to spill inner thoughts; otherwise a diary would suffice, and not a blog, column, or otherwise publicly posted work. Do you feel this is true for you? Are we all just seeking attention?
2. The woman who wrote this is a single parent. Knowing that, does that affect your interpretation of her interpretation of the events she describes at all?