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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3693 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: FireChat lets you text friends, even without a signal | The Verge

You know what? My battery got weak in my old phone, and it is an old phone. I don't believe that thing even has a gps device in it. Verizon wants me to upgrade. I cannot simply purchase a new battery, Oh no I must purchase a whole new phone!

Now why I ask myself, why would I pay for a phone that comes loaded with SPYWARE that are built in?

Even after my truck broke down beside the highway yesterday, and I was briefly STRANDED WITH NO PHONE, I ask myself, why? Why would anyone in their right mind, pay for the privilege of lugging around the very technology with which Big Brother

    - and anyone else sufficiently tech savy -

can use to trace your every movement, and each spoken word?


    Two hot chicks stroll into the eatery where I am seated at the bar having a meal. They take a booth just within my range of view. Do they notice me? Sure, just briefly, they notice the lecherous old poet sitting at the bar stuffing his face like there is no tomorrow and I can see their indifference to whether I've ever written anything at all is total, complete, and entirely genuine. They don't look at me again.

    They don't look much at each other either. Their faces bend down and peer intently into that chunk of hard plastic in their hands and they become lost, oblivious to me, each other, the room around them, even the waitress when she comes to take their order . . .

So. Why I ask myself . . .

Why would my compatriots be fooled into becoming the market that will almost certainly facilitate the rise of a global fascism unlike anything that has ever been in human history?

It isn't like these damn things are going to work once the power goes out . . .