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Well, we can always kill people better. :/
I suppose the ultimate would be if our armed forces could simply select the people that they wanted to die, and they would. Personally, I think war is becoming outdated. Force doesn't seem a very effective way of making predictable and stable political changes. Also, there are other, less costly ways to get access to resources. It's pretty stupid that we still resort to having our teenagers and young adults blow each other apart over what are ultimately economic interests. It's also unfortunate that helping people blow each other up is such an economic interest in of itself. Having a dad that was in a war, reading a bunch of history, and shooting enough guns has convinced me that it's not something I want to be involved in, or support.
smoorman1024 · 4785 days ago · link ·
I understand and follow this, but I still can't deny that making the best and most useful weapons is so inherently human no matter how you use them.