I wish the media would just leave this poor guy alone. Whether he is Satoshi or not, he's got a target on his back for potentially having many millions of dollars, and reddit and 4chan were apparently able to discern his exact address from details and pictures in the newsweek article. Just let him be.
The Satoshi that wrote "I am not Dorian Nakamoto." on p2pfoundation.ning.com is the same Satoshi that introduced bitcoin, and was active a couple of years ago. At least it is extremely likely that he/she is, or someone else gained access to the account since. By writing that, he/she is providing proof that the person that created bitcoin isn't Dorian Nakamoto, the guy fingered by Leah Goodman of Newsweek. Of course, it is possible that Dorian and this Satoshi are one and the same, and he logged back on and wrote that to help persuade others that he did not create bitcoin, but it seems to be growing less likely as more information comes out. Leah McGrath Goodman did a terrible thing.