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comment by JakobVirgil
JakobVirgil  ·  3886 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Scifi club: For a Breath I Tarry discussion/suggestions for club #3

I wrote a stunning and deeply insightful write up Mr Z's novella on my laptop and got to hubskis Amazing new error page. I am home now out of regular nets range and will cobble together some lesser on my phone.

As a take on Genesis I was impressed that Rog took the hermetic rather than gnostic route the fall into humanity was a good act. Frost/Adam required the limitations of a meat body to become a God. This contrasts nicely with the platonic soma-sema of the contempory futurist scene. steve can prolly explain it better nominal Judaism is not the best teacher of hermetism.

Human making robots who in turn make human reflects an influence by Lem? Z was not as playfull as everyones favorite pole. In the cyberiad the cycle is implied to have happed several times.

So pretty much that with better spelling punctuation and tons of classical allusions