Come over this statement for a while ago i find very interesting, that Putin have forgot about the German language he once known.
Vladimir Putin: 2000:
The real Putin could speak german fluently. (watch in HD, starting at 1:00)
Impostor "Vladimir Putin" an illuminati actor: 2012: Broken german, propagating "black is white": illuminati (West) want to occupy Russia is rewritten as West is afraid of Russia. Putin spricht Deutsch (Ausschnitte aus "Ich, Putin - Ein Porträt")
source:I don't know what to say about this guy
Any thought about it?
I'm not going to buy into this Illuminati theory. However, I did read somewhere recently that Putin does not like to speak English when interacting with English speaking diplomats, though he is perfectly fluent in English. I would guess this is because he doesn't want to be seen as conceding to Western influence more than he has to? So perhaps he does the same thing with the German language?