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comment by mk
mk  ·  4005 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski what is your idealogy? Political, Spiritual, Personal.

Politics: The right fit for the time and place. Currently the US needs something that both parties can't offer. Capital is too locked down. A death to lobbying and a progressive marginal tax rate on all income would be a start. Politics trails technology, and it should.

Spiritual: I am a mortal consciousness on an island in a sea of time and space. Occasionally this freaks me out, but mostly I enjoy this seemingly impossible situation that I am in.

Religion: None. Raised Catholic. Like philosophy to a flea on a dog, I suspect the entirety of the situation may be beyond us. That said, the scientific method seems to work perfectly well for that which we can perceive. Human-centrist explanations for the universe seem absurd to me. We are understandably very important to ourselves, but you only need to look up to see that there is a much larger story going on.

Personal: No one is special, but some people do special things. I try to make my time worthwhile and to keep learning. The state of our world is the result of our actions, no excuses.

Filanyon  ·  4003 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    A death to lobbying

Could you explain why? Do you mean in its current form, or altogether?

mk  ·  4002 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Because information becomes largely biased by the money behind it. Staffers should and could research issues, without the establishment of companies that profit by, and exist soley for, the purpose of persuasion. This bias disenfranchises voters for the sake of institutions with power. Information that representatives get should be provided on a pull, not push basis to reduce the corruption of legislation.