- It’s one thing to imagine seven months of nonmotion, but to see, in person, even ten minutes of such utter nonmotion is stunning. I think, Has he really been sitting like that since May? May? All through the London bombings, the Cairo bombings, the unmasking of Deep Throat, Katrina, the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, the Lynndie England trial, the Bali bombing, the Kashmir earthquake, the Paris riots, the White Sox World Series victory, the NYC transit strike, through every thought and purchase and self-recrimination of the entire Christmas season?
Suddenly, the question of his not eating seems almost beside the point.
insomniasexx, you were right -- longform is definitely better than longreads.
Wow great read! Glad you are enjoying longform. I wouldn't say either is better than the other but they do have different content, which is awesome. I read this this morning in bed and have been thinking about it all day. How does it work? How is it fake? Can it be real? I am a skeptic, 100%. But what are the motivations behind it? Unlike the author, I don't think it is as obvious or explicit as a group of people coming together to fake this thing - meetings, planning, etc. I'm guessing everyone is working together, but independently, to make this thing happen and the "faking" it is never out in the open. The people probably don't even consciously think about what they are doing. More like, they are suspending belief for "the greater good" or something. If anyone has more information on this - please post. I'm so curious!