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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3937 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: "I feel like if we're all going to die soon, like we feel we are, I only want to make dope shit."

So confusing. I feel like if he put these thoughts in every song, he'd be the best hip hop artist in the world right now. As it is, they're there, but you have to squint a little. I just reread that Camp review on pitchfork -- the guy's right and he's wrong; Glover's style is off-putting -- except when he's perfect. These Girls. Heartbeat. Got This Money. Some of those are on Culdesac, but it's the same deal. And Camp sounded good, even if the lyrics made you want to throw up sometimes.

Fuck. I was really hoping Glover would take a step in the serious direction but then he went and named his album Because the Internet, and I guess it's because he truly doesn't care.

EDIT: don't watch Clapping for the Wrong Reasons if you want to be less confused.