Hey, do you have any plans to make tin-can open source or is there a business plan that would turn it into a commercial product?
TBH we haven't gotten that far yet. Right now we have just made it our goal to get TC working on as many phones and Android versions as possible. The first update will be released shortly. I expect we will be spending the better part of the next month on this. After that, we will take stock of where we are at, and what the plan is going forward.
Thanks for the response, mk. It seems to me there's a lot of interest in the concept and making it open source may speed up development lot. It would also allow some NGOs who are interested in using the app for disaster relief to donate money for tin-can's development.
serval not to distract you from tin-can (I think it is a distinct and powerful concept (tin-can, serval is just a really cool mesh system)) <-nested parenthesis
Hey, I just noticed that Serval (http://redecentralize.org/interviews/2013/08/14/04-paul-serv...) seems to be a very similar concept to Tin-Can. Do you happen to know how they differ? mk?
Serval is a much more ambitious project (to provide internet to africa) it includes a lot of mesh stuff messaging is secondary.
I recall that JV actually talked to someone at the serval project for some advice. BTW, we are going to be open-sourcing TC soon. We don't have the time for it, and it would be great if other people could pick it up and carry it forward. There's a number of issues with android fragmentation that need to be addressed.