Aren't parents choosing the genetic traits when they reproduce already? They choose their partner and choose to reproduce. As contraceptives are ubiquitous (especially in the context of populations who are making designer babies) parents are already technically picking and choosing what their kid looks like.
My biggest concern would be the child growing up looking nothing like his/her parents. From the parents side, we look at our own children and subconsciously know to love and care for them. Not that a parent wouldn't love a designed child, but there is an evolved psychology to support their relationship that isn't there.
From the child's side, they might feel disassociated much like an adopted child. So why not just adopt in the first place. I don't think it would be that hard to find a match. The ethics of adopting by appearance might also be unethical, but it is already happening (huge wait list for white babies). To counter that argument, the child could be OK looking different because instead of being given up by the bio parents for adoption, they look different because their parents decided.
Being beautiful has proven societal advantages. On average, you make more, you date more attractive mates (rich people have beautiful daughters), and you are more likely to have a broader social network to support you. So designing a more attractive child than your gene's can maybe in some ways be more beneficial then perhaps saving for college.
Also, limiting your child's risk for cancer and other diseases will give them a leg up later in life when they aren't limited by illness physically or financially. No glasses or LASIK for your child because they will have the gene's necessary for good vision. Breast Cancer runs in your family? Well not anymore!
My real concern is when you start augmenting for strength, speed, agility, intellegence, and obedience. Be it a gov't making super soldiers, or a dad making super heir. And on heir's, what about sex selection? What if a white anime fan wants their kid to look asian? Black parents want their kid to look white.
tl;dr: I don't care about hair color. I do care about elites who can afford it making children that are unbeatable.