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comment by halfdood
halfdood  ·  4031 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Sinead O'Connor Open Letter to Miley Cyrus

    Seriously, what guy is watching Miley Cyrus videos because they're sexy (in favor of porn or the million other options on the internet, c'mon).

This is not exactly something I am proud of, but I have been pretty deep down the porn rabbit hole. Deep enough to come full circle right out the other side where you can only get off on normal pictures of women. I am willing to bet my life that there are guys who would watch that music video instead of porn, because I was one of those guys at one point in my life.

I agree with the pimping analogy. She is being exploited and if she doesn't wise up now she will when the only thing she can do is regret her decisions.