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comment by fallingsaucer
fallingsaucer  ·  4031 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What kind of instrument do you play, and why?

I play guitar. I have always been interested in music, but before learning guitar, instruments were just things I fiddled around with if my gameboy was dead. Now, my mexican Strat. has replaced the gameboy. I don't gig and have never been in a band. Instead, I jam out by myself or with friends. It has been a hobby of mine for a decade or so, and it is something I always go back to for stress relief and fun.

On to the "why". Like I said, before learning an instrument, I fooled around with whatever I could get my hands on. And while at my fathers house I played around with his old guitar that he had forgotten how to play. Basically, he noticed I enjoyed it and we decided to tune it up and sand down the rough places. It was a 1960's or 70's Gibson dreadnought of some sort, and when we brought it into the local music store, the person helping us was excited to see it. After adjusting the neck via truss rod it was ready to play. So we bought some music books and I was off to the races. After learning my scales and developing a decent control, we played music together. He played trumpet while I played the guitar, and I still play to this day.