I understand Watchdogs, but Assassins Creed? Why would that need to be (incredibly) optimized if it runs fine already? Ubisoft isn't the type to give a crazy update to their engine for new Assassin Creed games.
The next Assassin's creed will probably be on the next gen consoles, and with an increase in console performance, Nvidia will need to help optimize It for PCs. The consoles will also probably need an updated engine to deal with the new architecture of the consoles being radically different than the old consoles, and Nvidia may be able to help, since the new consoles are very much similar to PCs.
It's probably more or less mostly for Watch Dogs. Although I don't see a problem with optimizing Assassin's Creed, there's nothing that can't be improved.
Very true. I can't wait to see if it makes that big of a difference.