All of my friends and family had the same complaint... I didn't have a problem just hitting the Windows Key + D whenever I need the desktop. To each their own I guess
Before I used Windows 8 myself, my boss got a new laptop. I did the same set up on hers but forgot about the default programs things were opened in. She opened a photo and was now stuck without the familiar "x" button. I get a frantic call at 11pm, "INSOM!!! I can't get away from this photo and I don't know what to do I just want to go back to Woooooorddd! Pleeeeease! Halp me!" I told her to hit every key and hung up. I figured one would get her out of there. Monday I was going to stop by her office and manually reset the default open programs to the windows 7 style. Instead I just did a fresh install of Windows 7. Too much change, Windows. You could've done one of those changes and been okay. 6 months later another change. 6 months later another. You would've been fine! People adapt! But getting rid of all the familiar buttons. Anyone who isn't fully competent around computers gets scared and hides when you take those things away.