Have you ever tried ciders? The Shock Top Honeycrisp Apple Wheat is pretty good for when you aren't in the mood for hard liquor but don't feel like a true beer. Also summer. I got a Fox Barrell Pear Cider once too but I wasn't a fan. I didn't expect to like it but the design was too good to pass up. The colors and textures are impeccable. I still have that bottle on the shelf and often feel compelled to touch it. Certain elements of the design are actually raised. I picked up a Wailua Ale a couple weeks ago and that was pretty good too. I'm not a huge fan of really heavy or filling beers because I am so tiny that I can only have a certain amount before I burst.
I second ciders. I drank some Angry Orchard one time... and OMG that shit was amazing. You don't taste the alcohol at all, and some have a high volume of it. So delicious and sweet.
I've had that one too! It was like 12 bucks at CVS for a 6 pack and since CVS mostly carries $12 24 packs of bud light I figured I'd have a go at it. Delicious. A bit too sweet for my taste - the Shock Top has a bit more of the malty beer aftertaste that Angry Orchard but it was still really really delicious. They are indeed dangerous because they taste so good.