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KapteinB's comments
KapteinB  ·  1304 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: So getting to know this place

We don't have subcommunities here the same way they have on Reddit. Instead, we add tags to our posts, so if you're in the mood to discuss a particular topic, you'll have to filter by that tag.

So, for example, you can see all posts about music, or space, or the environment. You can search for tags using the looking glass icon on the top right.

KapteinB  ·  1664 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, what does your bookshelf look like?

Pardon the image quality.

Let's see then, left to right, top to bottom:

My most played board games, plus a couple games I've recently acquired and don't know yet if they belong among my most played board games.

Fantasy, sci-fi, and crime novels.

Dungeons & Dragons supplies.

More crime novels, plus a few misc books.


Office supplies.

Financial papers and such belonging to the residents' association.

Comics, comics.

Comics, comics, comics, aaaand comics.

KapteinB  ·  1892 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 320th Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately" Thread  ·  

This weekend was what we Eurovision-nerds refer to as Super Saturday, where 5 national entries were selected (with two more following on Sunday).

Finland is sending none other than Darude, whom you may remember from his 1999 smash hit (which is now possibly stuck in your head just from reading his name). Alas this song is no Sandstorm, being more muted and much less catchy.

Georgia is one of my favourite Eurovision nations, which rarely fails to entertain. This year they are less fun than usual, but I still quite like it.

Iceland's pick is not very typical for Eurovision. It will certainly stand out. It's brutal. I almost like it.

Moldova had my favourite song last year. This year they're just ok in my opinion.

My native Norway is sending a catchy dance tune with a solid dose of joik. I'm biased, of course, but I like it.

Portugal this year seems quirky just for the sake of being quirky.

And finally Serbia went with this ballad.

This is probably the best crop so far this year. And in general I'm happy with how many countries are choosing to sing in other languages than English this year. :-)

KapteinB  ·  1906 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What did Earth look like X years ago?

For years now I've had an idea for a product. It's a globe that is actually a spherical LCD display that shows the Earth. On the stand there's a slider for year, so you can choose to see what the Earth looked like at any point in human history. Buttons control what you want to see: National borders, cities, terrain, population density, etc. There's also a toggle for which planet you want to see, with every known planet and moon in the solar system available. Optionally the globe can be connected to the Internet for automatic updates to keep all the information up to date.

I have no idea if the product would even be possible to make. If anyone want to try, you can have the idea for free.