Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it. As for your neighbors, have you tried sending them sexually suggestive gingerbread men in the mail? I am hard-pressed to think of anything that would delight me more than receiving erotic cookies from an anonymous source.
Ye gods that was quick — thanks so much! I'm now happily using the new end-point and loving it. I made public all the updates to my screen-scraping plugin Static Discussion via Hubski. This plugin is designed to be used with Pelican, a static website generator, but the code is fairly basic Python and could easily be cribbed for other purposes. I also defined all the URLs in a conf file so that the end-points can easily be updated without revving the code. If you decide on a better name than "tree", I can just redefine the end-point in the settings.
If you're looking for suggestions for future books, I've just had my novel Radium Baby published and I can arrange free copies for the Hubski book club. It's a comedy/adventure novel set amid the prohibition, radium baths, and Egyptological excavations of 1927 — there are enough robots, giant hornets, and cannibal bishops to satisfy anyone! I can arrange some promotional days on Amazon so people can download it for free. All the Hubskiyites are so generous, the least I can do is share it. Let me know if you're interested! It could also make for some spirited discussion with input from the author.
id=TGYhAAAAIBAJ&sjid=24cFAAAAIBAJ&pg=4046%2C1627698 It has to be the same guy - the address is the same and all. They held a little wingding in his honor at the "Elks' Home", which is a building run by the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks!