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kleinbl00  ·  4064 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Not A Hypothetical #2

Pluraleyes is one of those things that's awesome in theory, sucky in practice. Not that Final Cut or Avid are particularly quick, but inject Pluraleyes into the mix and you can literally set a computer chunking for days while it rebuilds a short film. I once watched it chew through 8 minutes of footage for three days on a 12-core Mac Pro without ever actually syncing anything up correctly.

Two other things to keep in mind:

1) The movie is terrible. Even were all the audio to be pristine, it would still involve placing my name on an abysmally-bad project. Is the money good enough to warrant work without credit? Perhaps to someone else.

2) Part of the reason for dealing with Harry and June is that, theoretically, filmmakers get better and move on to brighter and better things. Poky Stick 2 demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt, however, that they have learned nothing and that the arc of filmmaking is long, but theirs bends towards craptastic oblivion.

That said. many of your points were made by me in my eventual settlement in the matter.