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humanodon  ·  3896 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski Book Club 2666 pt 1 discussion thread

I hear you, but it's a whole lot of book to cover and it's already been a month since we started. I mean, at this rate, I'm going to have to return the book before we even touch part 5, which I think would be half way through October if we have a discussion every two weeks. I would strongly suggest that for the book club, we try to pick books that will:

1) spark good discussion of the book

2) spark good discussion of ideas and subjects that the book deals with

3) are manageable within reasonable time frames.

I think that 1 and 2 are fairly well satisfied, but man oh man, this is taking a while to get through, no? Plus, there are clearly a lot of people starting classes right now and "huge novel" might not be the most appealing way to spend their free time . . .

Anyway, two huge books in a row is probably about as much as our book club can handle, but as I'm out of the rotation after this book, I'll leave it up to the next person to decide.