I do think we will see major changes in the next couple of generations in regards to how this is handled. But people like theadvancedapes would likely say that advances in technology and the eventual singularity may make this discussion moot.You always hear that one story of the doctors wanted to pull the plug but little betsy against all odds survived and now shes an astronaut! People don't like dealing with the harsh realities of end of life care because it's uncomfortable to do so.
-Very true. Most people will fight tooth and nail to keep a loved one alive, not realizing the being alive isn't necessarily living.A lot of physicians do want what's best for the person, especially if they've been treating them for years. You can argue the surgeon doing the tracheostomy or placing the G-tube doesn't really care
That wouldn't be my argument at all. What I would argue is that doctors are people and as such they are subject to influence. When you have a billion dollar industry hell bent on convincing you that the best thing for patient "X" is their product or procedure, eventually it can sink in. You think to yourself, I'm following protocol and doing the right thing. Hell... even physicians can buy in to the little girl astronaut story.