This section of this piece encapsulates the reason so many people willingly trap themselves in bad situations. It can be a job, a relationship or a university. I guess I've never had a problem walking away from something others told me I was crazy for leaving. I've also worked tirelessly at things others have thought was foolish. Live for yourself. When you are married and have a family, live for them too. -if it's a good situation that tends to be a symbiotic thing anyways. Frankly, she's lucky she has options. Too many people don't, at least not good ones. This is certainly a first world problem.I wish my own inner voice had said, ‘Hey Elle, this gig does have a lot of great things going for it, but maybe it’s time to leave.’ Instead it said, ‘Hey Elle, everyone wants this, so you probably should too. Find a way to love it. Be good at it. Stop complaining. ’