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thenewgreen  ·  3931 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What they didn't tell you during your Residency, or How to become Wealthy

I have to be honest, my wife handles all of our investments and does a great job of it. I make the money and she turns it in to more money. But the Roth is a no brainer. It's a first step though. My advice is to enjoy your spoils but take saving aggressively seriously. I for one love my life and simultaneously look forward to retirement. The best things in life really are free, but traveling the globe in early retirement costs money :-)

Edit: I was recently talking with b_b and mk about the whether its worth paying a financial planner the typical 1-2% and I think we decided that the answer was dependent on your available time to commit and know-how. You're lucky to have a relative that can advise you for free.