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humanodon  ·  3937 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Gary Shteyngart: Confessions of a Google Glass Explorer : The New Yorker

I haven't heard of this guy. Typically I like near-future stories, so I might check it out.

I understand that this is from The New Yorker but this article, built on passages like this one:

    Aray was born and raised in Cuba, and came to the United States at eleven. I mention that both of us spent our childhood in totalitarian countries. “It’s no different from being in that type of environment,” she says of wearing Glass. “I grew up accustomed to knowing that the government knew more than I probably knew about myself and about my family. And I think here it’s our choice as to how much we want to share.” Does this mean she has any qualms about the technology? “I don’t,” she says. Aray was an early adopter of Twitter and Foursquare; as a young immigrant, she learned to read English through a computer program. “It’s who I am,” she says.

make me understand yet again how many different universes there are, which people seem to wander in and out of with such ease. It's a very New York way of looking at the situation-- you know, a little too dramatic and taking itself too seriously. It's the kind of thing that makes me want to jump on a dirtbike and get lost in a jungle. No doubt this technology will change a lot of things, but one thing it will not change is the stark contrast between living in New York city and living under a totalitarian regime.