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I think in this particular comment the community responded in a way that makes sense to me. cgod's original comment was short, curt and to many I would wager offensive, given that it lacked explanation. Two people clicked on this comment's hubwheel to show appreciation.

Then, cgod took the time to explain his original comment in a longer, more nuanced and thoughtful way and it received much more positive acknowledgment.

I think that's great. I've enjoyed this conversation and while cgod's original comment was, by my estimation, hyperbolic. His thoughts on the use of the word hipster as a pejorative has changed my thinking, and I'm the one that got in to a debate over a year ago with him about this topic. (cgod, I looked and looked for that thread but I cannot find it anywhere).

"Hipster" has become a brand. It was first sold to us as the "intelligent, thoughtful, well read, well listened, connoisseur of all things "hip". Now it is being morphed in to the "lazy and cynical". -The media builid-ith up and tear-ith down. I'll admit, I've used the word as such in the past, but cgod has changed my thinking on it. It would be "lazy" of me to lump an entire group of people in to those categories. Based on what? Their clothing? Where they drink their PBR? -Okay, that one was below the belt. But seriously, stereotyping is stereotyping.

edit: sorry for the double shout out cgod.