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b_b  ·  4041 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What's Your Hubski Loneliness?

    I do not see the two as complimentary, but as perpendicular.

Preach it, brother. This is definitely how the site should work if it's working correctly.

We've discussed adding some feature that allows users to have some limited metrics on their posts (if they desire). I think that sometimes a post doesn't get shared, and the OP is left to wonder whether if it was unseen, or if the group just didn't find it share worthy. My feeling is that it was probably seen, and probably seen by a lot more people than most would guess. What many people may not realize is that active users << total users. Hubski might get 50 new submissions in a day, but have 1000 visitors. Obviously those people are looking at something. The question is whether it would be interesting for users to have some idea about how many people are viewing their submissions.