3a) because the 18-24 market is far and away the most desirable to moviemakers
3b) because "high school" is the time when our emotions are at their most raw, our need to belong at its most acute and our sense of adventure as it relates to our personal lives at its most advanced
3c) because relationship movies about people who still make dumb mistakes and can't figure out that the girl likes them are easier to execute than relationship movies about people who have it all figured out. Breakfast Club was in development at the same time as The Big Chill and St. Elmo's Fire. The three movies are identical, for all intents and purposes - one deals with teenagers, one deals with 20-somethings, one deals with 30-somethings. The only difference between the movies are the problems faced by their protagonists - as they get older, their problems get more nuanced. The elephant that won't light up in shop class becomes dealing with coke-addled sheiks becomes getting your best friend to impregnate your wife because you can't conceive. Which of the three has the most fans? People are going to be making "movies about high school" until the sun is a cinder.