I've been following this most of the day. Bids were at $98 for awhile. Started at $268 this morning. I use the following. https://btc-e.com/ I've been thinking about getting into the "bitcoin fad" for awhile, mainly for the speculation flipping, not really the using/holding of them. But I won't buy any unless they drop waaaaaay down. Was hoping that was today, but looks like the plunge stopped at $100 (that article was a little bit before the actual bottom), and now it seems to be holding around $160 but still fluctuating give or take $10 here and there. It's interesting to watch. It's such an interesting currency/market/idea. There's a mix of bullish investors gaming the market, mixed in with a bunch of libertarian/anarcho-capitalists who believe in the actual use and circulation of bit coins. So there's like economics experts and fund managers playing the bitcoin game, going up against idealistic college kids who just think bitcoins are cool or a way to get rich quick. The early adopters really DID get rich quick, and now everyone wants the same. Either way the market is horribly volatile, and even at $150-$160 I still think bitcoins are waaaay over valued. Because the most important question is "What IS the true value of one BTC?" It's a question the market is still figuring out, and no one really knows, so it's just really interesting to read about and follow.