WTF?!?! I can't really wrap my mind around this rule. What is its purpose? The only thing I can imagine is that Germany has decided it doesn't want high concentrations of a singular nationality in any specific area. Possibly this could prevent "non-Germans" from getting elected to Parliament much easier, or something similar. Personally, I love neighborhoods here in the US that are predominantly one nationality. It kind of gives an exotic taste from places that I may never be able to visit (say, Cambodia or Ethiopia or many others). Where do most of Germany's refugees come from? Africa, I imagine? This sounds dangerously close to German supremacy, the very image that Germany has tried desperately to shed over the past 70 years.The residency requirement is the law that compels refugees to remain in a prescribed county and that discourages them, by means of fines and incarceration, from visiting relatives in other counties.