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kleinbl00  ·  4060 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Home Roasting Part II: Modifying the Air Popper to Extend Roast

I lost all respect for the coffee culture when they started charging more for "single pour" - which is how I've made coffee for eight years, simply because Alton Brown recommended it. Seriously? Your holy awesome coffee method is a filter holder from Ralph's?

What's the crazy stupid gadget that cost like 15 grand that Starbuck's bought up? The Clover? Had Clover coffee? It tastes a lot like coffee.

I wonder if it's like music snobs - you get so into the esoterica that you lose sight of taste. Intelligentsia coffee - and I've had three different brews - tastes like Starbuck's with a pint of vinegar thrown in the percolator. It's acidic, bitey, nasty and extraordinarily fucking expensive. Fuckin' $4.75 for a cup of brewed coffee.

Me, I generally focus on fresh and beyond that, I just drink it.