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gordonz88  ·  4358 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I saw a car accident and I stopped

Man, everyone here has an inside group in Michigan, while I sit out here in Seattle. Ugh.

I try to stop and help whenever I can too, and I always try to portray myself as friendly, but to be honest I've yet to come upon a seriously memorable situation.

Once I was skiing with my friends, and after a day of experienced level runs we decided to take the green back to the schoolbus, and on the way we passed a lady who couldn't get up after she had fallen. She asks us for help, but my friend goes "No! They'll leave without us!" and left. I was dumbfounded, helped her up (it obviously took less than a minute), and needless to say I was mad at my friend. I also wasn't late. It was a popular ski resort, and she definitely wasn't in any trouble (for non-skiiers, she could've just unstrapped her skis, stood up, then step in again) it was just a matter of convenience on her end and selflessness on my end.

Considering I don't even have my driver's license yet (permit yo) I think I've still got some time left. :)

When the situation arrives, you bet I'll stop.

EDIT: Holy shit! I completely forgot I once got someone not to kill themselves! Damn, that was two years ago, I can't believe I forgot.

EDIT 2: I wrote that first edit on my off period at school, so I couldn't go into detail. Now that I'm home, I'll try to expand a little. The thing is, I don't know how to write about it without

one: needlessly making myself sound like a 'hero' or

two: disrespecting the person's privacy.

In theory though, it's really simple. I'm a huge fan of Summer Glau.. like big big big fan. Like, I can recite her life story better than my own. I know what she looks for in a guy before I can say what I look for in a gal. I have to stop and think for those things about myself.

Anyways, I was on a YouTube video only to find someone being super verbal about what they'd "do to her". I shoot him a message about how that might be interpreted as disrespect, especially how she's known to be saddened by hateful messages. I mean, who wouldn't be? I won't go into detail but there are some nasty things said against her. Show killer, downs syndrome, etc.

So he messages back (paraphrasing here, with his spelling mistakes fixed) "I don't care. I'm killing myself tomorrow anyways." with a photo of what I presume was his room, with a noose, and a 4chan style timestamp showing the actual date.

I respond right away "no man, what's wrong? Dude, I love Summer too. Talk to me." all the while trying to find out more about him from his username. I didn't get much, a few accounts from websites, but what I did find out was this: this guy is whatever I feel about Summer Glau, times ten. He'd felt she was amazing years before I did. Right after the first episode of Firefly aired, this guy had been set. He knew more than I did about her.. much more. He was more articulate and open about this. Earlier on, he was the sweetest person, but everything was borderline unhealthy obsession. "I love you more than air" was the first thing he had ever commented, on any video, in 2005. This was right after YouTube even came out, mind you. This was Firefly was still airing! I don't know, slowly it seemed he had gone insane. All this I learned that night, the next morning I woke up to a reply. A long written message about how he had come to terms that he'd obviously never be with Summer Glau. "You don't know that! You know just as well as me how nice she is. As long as you and her are both alive, there's always the possibility you'll get to know her!" I responded. She's so sweet, if you wanted to be her friend you'd get to be her friend! I came to know him, and I came to be good friends with him. Well, as good as YouTube messaging friends can get. He went back to 'normal', his messages weren't about her "smelly gorgeous pussy" but they went back to "her amazing smile". A day passed, than a week, than two. I talked with him about other things, movies, games, etc. It was all great, that I this guy, that this nice guy was still nice and well. My only regret is not asking for more information. Once I asked what state he was in, he said "I'd rather not say." About a year later, he never responded to my latest message. He stopped making comments on the YouTube account. I only knew his first and last name, and that he was in the US. I wish I could end with "I still keep up with him", but the truth is all I have is every message we ever sent each other on YouTube. huh... That's life I guess.

For this I was caught off guard. I winged it and improvised, I can only thank whoever is out there that it worked. Since then, I've gotten a lot more resources. For instance, if something happens online again I have this to link to. Etc.

The situation hasn't presented itself yet, but that itself is a good thing. In the unfortunate event someone is considering it, I'll be prepared. I'll be ready.