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AlderaanDuran  ·  4391 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Iran's Fake Stealth Fighter

    I remember three days, during which every tom, dick and harry with an opinion was laughing and pointing at Iran.

Where was this? Forum comments somewhere like people on Reddit? The President of the United States of America even acknowledged it was our drone and asked for it back. That's why people should wait for more information before talking, but yes I remember the conjecture flying around. But that's what happens with most major stories in the first few days following it. Doesn't mean they were right or that everyone felt the way those early commenters/reports did.


    ...right. In other words, it wouldn't be a "mock up."

But what I'm saying is even the mock up is wrong. The wings and balance and intakes are all wrong. So even if this goes from mock-up to actual plane, the actual plane wouldn't look anything like this, because that mock-up, even if made out of the correct materials, avionics, and fitted with an engine, wouldn't fly. So that begs the question, is this even a mock-up of any practical design? I lean towards no.

    You missed my point. I never said this was "modern." I said it would fly.

It won't. I'm not saying they can't make a domestic fighter and fly it, but it won't look anything like that one. I get it's a mock-up, but again, the mock-up is a fantasy and has many things wrong that make it not air-worthy. Any fighter that does actually make it into the air and carrying an actual pilot simply won't look anything like that. The air intakes alone are going to cause the plane to fall out of the sky (stall severely) at any high angle of attack. Where they are placed simply does not work.

Ignoring the parts about it being a mock-up, this article also has some structural and engineering points that I hinted at.


I'll continue to laugh and point, just as you are entitled to your opinion. They have a history of doing stunts like this as of late. The photoshoped missile launches, the two different monkeys from before and after they "sent it into space", the drone "they invented" that was proved to be a Japanese one, etc. They have a solid recent history of manufacturing fake military prowess. So, in my personal opinion, I need a little more than their "word" when it comes to proof of any of these supposed projects and accomplishments they put out into the media.


Fake drone they "created", actually just Japanese drone with some minor photoshop work. They claimed it was the first VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) drone ever created in the world.


So they didn't create one, and on top of that, it was far from the first VTOL drone, so even their claim was dishonest.


Fake crowds and missiles. Yes I realize this is a Gawker link, but there are plenty of links for all of these stories from plenty of sources. These are just the first I found.


Their recent space "monkey launch" also has a lot of doubt surrounding it, they even acknowledged the monkey mixup of appearances and insure us it was "just a mistake", but no physical evidence to date. Even North Korea admitted when their space launches failed, and multiple countries were able to verify when they did semi-successfully launch a payload late last year. No such confirmation exists for the Iranian space program as of yet. I need a little more than "their word" at this point in time.


So I guess at this point in time I need a little more than Iran's "word" to believe anything they say they've accomplished of any technical or engineering capacity.

I'll agree to disagree.