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Saydrah  ·  4138 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: What is your new years resolution for 2013?

Fuck New Year's resolutions. Resolutions happen when you're ready to make a change, not because of an arbitrary calendar date. New Year's resolutions just make people feel like failures when they inevitably backslide and "break their resolution" by February, and then cause them to binge on whatever habit they were "quitting" to console themselves for being failures. When the student is ready, the resolution will appear.

That said, I made some positive changes in my life--because I was ready--in 2012, which I intend to continue in 2013. I quit Reddit almost entirely, started dealing with some control issues that go back to early childhood for me, and worked on making Doing the Right Thing my default reaction, even when said Right Thing is also the harder choice.