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thenewgreen  ·  4314 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: FOX calls Westboro Baptist Church "Left Wing Cult"

    It's one of the things that's so strange about public discourse in America. We're speaking past each other, in part, because we aren't even using the same language as each other, even though it may sound like it.
I would agree with that statement, I would add that FOXNews tends to be the organization writing the definitions for the Right. That's what makes them brilliant, they're the ones molding, shaping and directing an entire group of individuals. They understand the language from both perspective, thus they know exactly how to push the buttons of the Left while fueling the pride of the Right. Brilliant. One group watches(listens) for guidance, the other to keep an eye on the enemy. All of this equals enormous ratings and control.