C1/C2 is pretty much a must-have for studying abroad, I think even ERASMUS that's aimed at undergrads requires it. I took CPE and IELTS (general and academic), passed decently well but it was HARD. That said, working abroad is a different bag. I think you can work as a full (registered?) nurse with B1 and some specialized course that builds up thematic vocab. My ex is doing some kind of dentistry fellowship in Berlin and her German makes me sound like Goethe despite progressively forgetting the language over the last decade. My school offered English and German/Russian/Italian/French to choose from, English and at least one of the others were compulsory. I took German, because I was born there and wanted at least one easy grade. My mother caught onto it, changed it to French. Then she begged the principal to have that reverted after first year when it turned out I'm dyslexic outa wazoo. I vented my frustrations with "how stupid does it feel to make me study a language where every word has 14 letters but you only pronounce ones that aren't there?" I also tried the other two, but Russian is... really weird. Poles either catch it quickly - like, from 0 to accentless B2 within 2-4 semesters, I've seen that happen - or stay confused. I can understand basic, non-idiomatic speech without much effort, so never got motivated to buckle down, but it's purely passive. Mieja zawód Devac, u mieja nie bolsze. If you give me an hour, I might remember enough Cyrillic to write that? EDIT/Addendum [I think it's all too visible I wrote these recent posts super sleep-deprived, feel it'd be iffy to correct in full]: Forgot to finish the thought on Italian. Its grammar is astoundingly similar to Polish. Which is unfortunate, as in both there are so many weird pitfalls and unexpected irregularities they sap any will to use it. Dropped it quickly, afterwards came to class here and there because my high school made free hours in schedules and you can only read our library's meager sci-fi section so many times. I actually wanted to learn Latin and Greek very early on, but... my first lesson with a tutor involved an explanation of declension so convoluted I didn't get it despite German having the exact same cases as Greek [Nom, Gen, Dat, Acc], and Latin having 5 out of Polish's 7. Now? Hodie linguae Latinae studeo cum magna alacritate, et in Graeca antiqua commentaria et epistulae personae scribere possum. Ut in anno proximo et latinae aevo medio et graecae communi studeam.