Oh man I had to look it up, but my test results for CEFR language levels as part of applying for studying abroad a decade ago were “C1/C2” (so some parts C2, some C1). Probably C1 in writing and C2 in verbal skills. That English exam was one of the hardest English tests I’ve done and I’d been learning English for 2/3rds of my life by then. (At age seven, my Pokémon Gold language was set to English and I got through that by asking my mom what the words meant.) Were you also slammed with multiple languages in high school or is that not a small-European-country-with-important-neig ours-thing? One year I had simultaneous lessons in Dutch, German, English, French, Latin & Greek - none of my own volition. Dropped three of them as fast as I could. I wouldn’t call myself a polyglot even back then, as a language studied but never immersed is not a language you really know. At the very least the breadth gave me a deep understanding of language structure and Latin is like the patient zero for a lot of structures and a lotta fancy-schmanzy words.