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kleinbl00  ·  75 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: June 26, 2024

To clarify, this is the scenario I think they envision:

1) president crimes

2) Congress whines about said crime

3) Complications ensue; case goes before the Supreme Court

4) Supreme Court decides whether the President is Republican

When I say they "aren't setting precedent" I mean that they do not intend to create any case law that stands on its own. They absolutely want to cement their powers as the ultimate arbiters of all law and jurisprudence. Which means your ability to slow walk, obfuscate and delay will absolutely be dependent on the political makeup of congress and the courts.

Populist regimes around the world are doing a banner job of demonstrating why that "appointed for life" bullshit associated with the courts is a terrible fucking idea. I suspect it will go away a piece at a time. Fundamentally, the more parliamentarian our courts become the less sense it makes for them to be political appointees. Fuckin' run for election like every other choad.